TRAJANJE TURE: 90 minuta

KRATKI OPIS: Doživite Karlovac na kraju 19. stoljeća, u vrijeme kada je ovim ulicama šetao Nikola Tesla. Neobičnu i vrlo inspirativnu životnu priču velikog izumitelja i vizionara Nikole Tesle ispreplićem sa otkrivanjem značajnih događaja iz povijesti našeg grada u vrijeme kada je Tesla bio naš sugrađanin. Upravo u drugoj polovini 19. stoljeća Karlovac je proživljavao svoje „zlatno doba“ i u mnogočemu je bio najrazvijeniji grad u Hrvatskoj. Upravo Karlovac Tesla opisuje kao grad koji je imao presudan utjecaj na njegov vlastiti razvoj.

MJESTO SASTANKA: kod paviljona Katzler na početku Radićeve ulice

KRATKI PREGLED PUTA: početak šetnje je kod paviljona Katzler na početku Radićeve ulice, a zatim obilazimo Trg J.J. Strossmayera, Trg bana J.Jelačića, Vrbanićev Perivoj, slap na Korani („turbina“) te uz OŠ Dragojle Jarnević i Radićevom ulicom natrag do paviljona Katzler. (dužina hodanja 2,5 km)


  • Individualna cijena: 11,00 Eura
  • Djeca od 7 do 12 godina: 6,00 Eura       NAPOMENA: djeca mlađa od 7 godina ne trebaju ulaznicu !
  • Umirovljenici: 6,00 Eura
  • Studenti: 8,80 Eura
  • Obiteljska (2+2): 28,00 Eura

Ukoliko želite rezervirati privatnu turu (za svoju obitelj, grupu prijatelja, poslovne partnere…) slobodno nas kontaktirajte i dogovorit ćemo termin samo za Vas:

  • Cijena ovisi o Vašim potrebama i okolnostima i formira se od slučaja do slučaja u direktnom kontaktu


DURATION: 90 minutes

SHORT DESCRIPTION: Experience Karlovac at the end of the 19th century, at the time when Nikola Tesla walked these streets. I intertwine the unusual and very inspiring life story of the great inventor and visionary Nikola Tesla with the discovery of significant events from the history of our city at the time when Tesla was our fellow citizen. It was in the second half of the 19th century that Karlovac experienced its “golden age” and was in many respects the most developed city in Croatia. It is Karlovac that Tesla describes as a city that had a decisive influence on his own development.

MEETING PLACE: at the Katzler pavillion at the beginning of Radićeva Street

ITINERARY: starting point is at the Katzler pavilion at the beginning of Radićeva Street, and then we tour J.J. Strossmayer square, Ban J.Jelačić square, Vrbanićev Perivoj, waterfall on the Korana (“turbine”) and along the elementary school Dragojle Jarnević and Radićeva street back to the pavilion Katzler.


  • Individual price: (participation open to all, on dates and hours offered on the website):
  • Adults: 11,00 Euro per person
  • Children from 7 to 12 years: 6,00 Euro            NOTE: children under 7 years do not need the ticket !
  • Senior citizens (over 65): 6,00 Euro
  • Students: 8,80 Euro
  • Family Ticket (2+2): 28,00 Euro

If you want to book a private tour (for your family, group of friends, business partners…) contact us to arrange the details and book your favourite date.

  • The price depends on your needs and circumstances and is formed on a case-by-case basis in direct contact